gangukan (Japanese Folk Toy Museum)

The Japanese Folk Toy Museum exhibits folk toys from all over Japan from the Edo, Meiji, and Showa periods. The museum features about 10,000 toys made in various regions of Japan from the 1600s to the present.

The Museum consists of two buildings on the premises.

Gallery 1

Local toys of each prefecture from Hokkaido to Okinawa. Also, displays ceramic bells and dove flutes.

Please go out to the courtyard.

Gallery 2

Clay figures, papier-mâché and Yoshinaga collection.

Please go up to the second floor.

Gallery 3

Wooden toys and spinning tops, including a large one that was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records.

Gallery 4

Daruma dolls, masks, Hina dolls and Tenjin dolls. Tenjin is the male god of learning. Various kites are also on display overhead.

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Should you have any questions or require assistance with purchasing tickets, our staff members are willing and happy to assist you.

We want to ensure that you have an enjoyable experience at the Museum.

Gangukan - Japanese Folk Toy Museum

The Japanese Folk Toy Museum called gangukan is located in the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter. The museum features about 10,000 toys made in various regions of Japan from the 1600s to the present.